How an online store can save your store
If you walk through German city centers, empty stores quickly make you aware of how precarious the situation really is. The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has done the rest this year and significantly worsened the already difficult situation for retailers.
At a time when established companies such as Tom Tailor, Esprit and Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof are facing insolvency, you're probably increasingly asking yourself how bricks-and-mortar retail can still save itself. It is clear that concepts and processes need to be adapted - and this is where digitalization comes into play for you.
Digital change as a challenge and an opportunity
The year is 2020 and the question is no longer whether digitalization is good or bad, but how bricks-and-mortar retailers can best implement it. If you can't be found virtually, you won't be found in real life. So what can you do to make your store visible and interesting for customers? The first thing you should realize as a retailer is that digitalization is an opportunity for you and not your enemy. Greater reach, an expanded product range, national and international customers - these are all strong arguments in favor of digitally connecting your store.
Your customers expect flexibility, product variety, individuality and professional and personal advice. At the same time, they want to enjoy added value, experiences and emotions when shopping. Of course, convenience must not be neglected either, as consumers want to be able to store anywhere and at any time and - of course - at affordable prices. Doesn't sound so easy for you as a retailer, does it?
Cross-channel retail is the magic word
One solution to save your store is to link your bricks-and-mortar business with an online store. If your company uses multiple sales channels to sell products, this is known as cross-channel sales. Your customers can get information online and buy offline or vice versa. Shopware offers you a good and easy way to implement this with its Pickware merchandise management system.
With Shopware, you can create your own personalized online store or have one created for you. With the help of an iPad, cash drawer, receipt printer and scanner, you can use Pickware as a POS system and connect it to your Shopware store. What's special about the system is that your products and their prices never have to be entered separately into the checkout again, as all data is automatically transferred from your Shopware store once the Pickware app has been installed. Pickware thus creates the perfect interface between the online and offline world. Your stocks are also managed automatically - perfect for retailers with limited storage capacity. Other plus points include contactless payment, payment by cell phone and Pick & Collect - your customer can order in your online store and easily collect their purchase from your store.
It all sounds great, but how exactly is this going to save my store?
Of course, you are now asking yourself - quite rightly - to what extent this will help you as a brick-and-mortar retailer in the long term. One important point is the visibility and presence of your online store. Potential buyers will become aware of you when searching for products and your customer base will expand. As already mentioned, you now have the opportunity to sell your products locally AND online - across cities, nationally and, in the best case, even internationally. Your online store also has no opening hours. This means your customers can store around the clock, even when your store is closed. If you combine your physical store with an online store, you have the best of both worlds and offer your company new sales channels. Are you curious about how you can now position yourself on the digital market? Feel free to contact us and we will offer you help with all aspects of online store creation and develop a long-term digitalization strategy together
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