Support, maintenance & monitoring of individual software
Your daily personal contact for your software
What does software maintenance mean?
In recent years, we have taken on a large number of software projects from a wide range of industries and then continuously developed them further, for example by implementing new functions. In order to ensure the long-term operation of your individual software, the systems are maintained at regular intervals and, for example, important security updates are incorporated. We ensure stable operation by constantly monitoring the systems.
Personal support from software experts in Dortmund and fully tailored to your company and company size
Sit back, relax and put your software systems in our technological hands. For every budget and with many free benefits - even in our entry-level models with important features. EXWE for your software development.
- 2h support budget
- for further development
- for security updates
- for minor updates
- CI/CD pipeline
- Development System (DEV)
- Own support tool
- Telephone support
- Dedicated contact person
- Emergency number
- Monitoring (availability)
- Monitoring (performance)*
from 89 EUR per month
- 8h support budget
- for further development
- for security updates
- for minor updates
- CI/CD pipeline
- Development System (DEV)
- Own support tool
- Telephone support
- Dedicated contact person
- Emergency number
- Monitoring (availability)
- Monitoring (performance)*
from 89 EUR per month
- 24h support budget
- for further development
- for security updates
- for minor updates
- CI/CD pipeline
- Development System (DEV)
- Own support tool
- Telephone support
- Dedicated contact person
- Emergency number
- Monitoring (availability)
- Monitoring (performance)*
from 89 EUR per month
* Records performance, stack traces, exceptions and SQL & server errors. Additional cost: 89 EUR per month, plus VAT.
Sit back and relax in future and EXWE will take care of the rest.
Success stories from the real world
Operation and further development of the qualification platform / awarding marketplace for REGIONALE 2025
For Südwestfalen Agentur GmbH, we developed a qualification platform for submitting project applications as part of REGIONALE 2025. For this purpose, a software was programmed which, in addition to the submission, also enables multiple processing and checking of the applications and at the same time functions as a communication platform for the agency and project contact persons.
Maintenance and monitoring of the internal employee database for a big player in the European sports retail sector
We operate key modules of the employee database for a European enterprise customer in the sports sector. Our daily tasks include the operation (including monitoring) and further development of the internal services. We are on duty every day to maintain this critical infrastructure.
Individual solutions for every industry and every customer. At EXWE, we focus on your company-specific requirements. At the same time, we never lose sight of your target group. We have already completed numerous customer projects in various sectors of the economy. What our customers say:
"Wat ik vooral waardeer aan de samenwerking met EXWE is hun oplossingsgerichte en pragmatische aanpak. Expertise in combinatie met een cool team maakt van EXWE een sterke partner aan onze zijde."
"Onze winkelintegratie is heel goed verlopen. We hebben een shop opgezet op basis van Shopware met EXWE. De implementatie en voortdurende ondersteuning zijn competent en te allen tijde zeer pragmatisch."
"Competent, creatief, innovatief, serieus en eerlijk... met EXWE overtreffen we altijd onze doelen. Een absoluut vertrouwensvolle samenwerking waar we niet zonder zouden willen."
"De ontwikkeling van onze applicatie was een iteratief proces. EXWE heeft ook conceptueel bijgedragen aan het ontwikkelingsproces en zo een belangrijke bijdrage geleverd aan het succes van het eindproduct. Wij hebben zelden ervaring met IT-dienstverleners op dit niveau. Wij bevelen EXWE met een gerust hart aan!"
Our daily store support is of course also available for all software systems. Even for small budgets, we at EXWE provide support for questions and problems relating to web applications.
Comprehensive software support includes extensive monitoring. We monitor the system and respond to changes in close consultation with our customers. Seamless monitoring with EXWE - the software agency for Dortmund.
With the help of the Tideways monitoring application, we can also monitor the performance and speed of your application. This allows us to quickly detect errors and problems and rectify them in the shortest possible time. So your system always runs smoothly.
We always keep a detailed stack trace when the software is running. We store all the information required to run the program properly on the stack. If you have any questions about the stack trace, we are of course always available to answer them.
Constant uptime is essential for successful software. To ensure this, professional monitoring by experts is necessary. With the EXWE agency for individual online stores and software systems, you have the right partner on board.
Does your company need expert support in monitoring your complex software system? Our experienced developers will be happy to assist you. In this way, errors can be eliminated before they become serious.
Error messages
Is your software constantly throwing up error messages? And you can no longer keep up, or you simply don't have the time to fix all the errors? Then you need our support. The developers at EXWE are happy to take on all software errors and fix them in the shortest possible time.
Error analysis
Extensive error analysis is of course also part of our service. Our Support & Monitoring package is designed to relieve you of all your worries. No more sleepless nights! Put your software systems in our hands.
Error log
We keep an error log to document all errors. This enables us to work efficiently on your software and always keep it up to date. No error is overlooked because all errors occurring in the application are collected.
We love digitalization. This includes responding to updates and adapting your software to new requirements. Thanks to years of IT experience, this is child's play for us.
Bug fixes
Every program has bugs from time to time. But that's not a problem, because our team is always busy with bug fixes. The bugs are fixed faster than they can run.
Emergency support
Errors are usually not announced in advance. If they do occur outside our business hours, our IT emergency support team is on hand immediately. The software is restored error-free before any downtime occurs.
Successful e-commerce is not really possible without development. With EXWE, you have a development team with know-how and experience at your side. This saves you time searching for suitable IT staff who you first have to train. Our developers are up to date and bring new impetus to all IT topics in your company.
Test environment
We carry out all the necessary test cases in our test environment before we release anything in your software. This is a matter of course for us and is part of our day-to-day work. We can therefore guarantee you high-quality support.
Working with backups is a must for us at the EXWE IT agency. This way, nothing is lost and can be restored if necessary. Regular data storage is simply essential when it comes to important projects. Do you have any questions? We are always available for a consultation.
Have you ever heard of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery? CI/CD helps to automate the integration, testing and publication of new software features and thus to make changes available quickly in the production environment.
We are also happy to install alerts that inform us and you directly if something is not working properly. EXWE is your trusted contact when the alerts go through the roof again.
High-quality performance is the be-all and end-all for a good software system. We are happy to take a look at your web application and ensure that it performs even better.
We guarantee reliability so that your software can always work reliably and continuously. We only work with the best technologies and are on hand immediately if things do get dicey.
If a software system is running at full capacity, we have a solution ready. Thanks to our support package, you don't have to wait long, we'll fix the problem and your system will be running smoothly again.
Do you need software with high availability? Experts with years of experience will be happy to take care of your requirements and ensure that your software is always available.
Regular tests help us to ensure that the software system works as intended. We check whether there are any problems or changes that require action. EXWE is also available as a personal contact at all times.
Is individual and professional IT support what you are looking for? Then EXWE in Dortmund and Düsseldorf is the right place for you. All topics relating to software systems are our area of expertise, which we pursue with passion every day.
Performance optimization
To make your web application more user-friendly, continuous performance optimization should be on the agenda. Of course, this takes time. If you lack this time, you are welcome to contact our team. We will provide you with active support, assistance and advice.
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